Lindholm and Driskill To Hold Town Halls

15 Apr 2020

By Gazette Assistant Publisher/Editor Nicholas Trandahl

Over the next couple weeks, our District 1 Legislators, Representative Tyler Lindholm and Senator Ogden Driskill, will be hosting online town hall meetings on Facebook Live and YouTube. The first will be held on Facebook Live on Friday, April 17th, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Visit either Legislator’s Facebook page or the Gazette Face- book page for a link to the event. The online town halls will go into details about the 2020 Legislative Session, with both District 1 Legislators going into detail about Wyoming legislation. These alternative town halls are an excellent opportunity for Wyoming citizens to engage their legislators without the danger of social gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Be ready with comments and questions for Senator Driskill and Representative Lindholm.

Courtesy of the Weston County Gazette